With a very noble but aspirational goal in mind, the Indian government launched Make in India campaign in September 2014. Soon after the government revealed their master plan to the world, India turned into a golden investment spot. With this campaign, Government was able to drive positive emotions in the market, which was somewhat necessary to set the ball rolling in the manufacturing and infrastructure sector. Following the central government’s scheme, many states also joined the club and started their own version of Make in India campaign at state levels, which led to a nationwide revolution of immense opportunities.
After successfully launching the Make in India campaign, it was time to create a workforce which was trained and capable of supporting the upcoming projects, so the government launched Skill India Initiative in July 2015. This initiative was started with an intent to create at least 40 Crore skilled labour by 2022. After the launch of the initiative, the UK agreed to become a mutual partner and a new relationship was born out of goodwill from both ends.
Now, we know that the government has taken the right step towards realizing its dream of making India a developed nation, and everyone seems to be confident this time.
Indian infrastructure and real estate sector had been deprived of innovation and change since many ages, as it seemed, but with the right ideologies in mind, the government this time was able to induce new thought process in the market. Technologies like Aluminum Formwork are gradually revolutionizing the real estate sector in India and are paving the path to a brighter tomorrow with a dream to have shelter over everyone’s head.
As the Indian economy has grown with time, the cost of land and other raw materials consumed in the real estate industry have also gone up. This has shattered the dreams of millions, despite their personal income rise in the past years. The only feasible solution in times like these is it to adapt and utilize new technologies that are more efficient than our traditional methods, take lesser time to build, and are robust enough to last longer.
Knest Aluform is one of the pioneers of the Aluminum formwork industry and is making huge waves in the Indian market right now. Knest Aluform was started with an intent to bring new-age construction techniques to Indian real estate players.
Initially, Aluminum formwork was not as cheap as it is today, because the techniques and its tools were being imported. After the advent of Knest Aluform, the technique is now readily available to the market at most efficient pricings, and at a much faster speed than ever. All this has been possible only because of insightful initiatives that were taken by the government because to change the mindset of the whole industry in a country like India, you surely need the confidence of the government behind you.
W. J.Malone developed The Aluminum Formwork System in the late 1970s as a method to build cost- saving construction units in the developing countries. Today, the technology is being extensively used around the globe, pertaining to its innumerable benefits over other methods.
Aluminum formwork is also the most suitable technique to tackle the Housing Deficit situation in India right now. With it, we can create bigger buildings in a shorter time which would accommodate more people at once. Investing in Aluform techniques at present is bound to give you fruitful returns in the near future because with the rising demand of houses around the world, it won’t come to us a shock if the government one day decides to adopt Aluminum Formwork as a default methodology of construction.
With time this technique is going to touch millions of people’s lives and will contribute to the economic development of the country on a bigger scale. Real estate industry being the third-largest employer in the country also contributes around 5 -7% in the overall GDP growth. The current Prime Minister of the country has now revealed a bigger picture to the masses- a dream to have $5 trillion Indian economy by 2024-25. We are not only sure but confident that Aluminum Formwork is going to play a very crucial role in realizing this dream. India is transitioning into the next generation of its existence, it’s time that we move ahead and evolve-keeping our methodologies and ideologies in sync.